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warrior of the cross

  • 1 warrior of the cross

    1) крестоносец
    2) "застрельщик" христианства

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > warrior of the cross

  • 2 warrior of the Cross

    активный сторонник распространения христианства, усердный проповедник христианства

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > warrior of the Cross

  • 3 warrior of the Cross

    а) ист. крестоносец
    б) активный сторонник распространения христианства, усердный проповедник христианства

    Англо-русский современный словарь > warrior of the Cross

  • 4 cross

    1. сущ.
    1) а) ист. крест (инструмент позорной казни, применявшейся особенно в отношении бунтовщиков) б) крест (знак) ;
    любые две перекрещивающиеся линии It is the sign of victory, the cross of the Maltese. ≈ Мальтийский крест - знак победы. - Red Cross в) черта, перечеркивающая буквы t, f г) тех. крест, крестовина cross of the Maltese д) астр. созвездие Южный Крест (сокращение от Southern Cross) е) топогр. экер
    2) а) крест, на котором по легенде распяли Иисуса Христа;
    распятие как ключевой момент христианской религии Syn: rood б) распятие (изображение распятого Иисуса Христа) ;
    намогильный крест в) (the Cross) христианство( при подчеркивании противопоставленности другим религиям) г) ист. в Ирландии: церковные земли( сокращение от cross lands) д) испытания, страдания bear one's cross Syn: trouble, vexation, annoyance, misfortune, adversity е) крестное знамение (которым осеняют себя или другого) Syn: sign of the cross ∙ take the cross soldier of the cross warrior of the cross
    3) а) биол. гибридизация, скрещивание( пород) б) помесь, гибрид The dog was a cross between a collie and a wolfhound. ≈ Пес был помесь колли и волкодава. It was a cross between a laugh and a bark. ≈ Раздалось нечто среднее между смешком и лаем.
    4) театр. проход сквозь сцену
    5) сл. нечестная игра, обман;
    спортивный матч, об исходе которого заранее договорились (и т.п.)
    2. прил.
    1) поперечный;
    перекрестный, пересекающий The cross roofs connecting them with the main building. ≈ Поперечные крыши соединяли их с главным зданием. This is generally performed by little cross etchings, one over another. ≈ Обычно это делают, нанося две пересекающихся насечки, одну поверх другой. Syn: transverse, transversal, crossing, intersecting
    2) а) противоположный;
    противный, не попутный( о ветре) How many cross interests baffle the parties. ≈ Как много противоположных интересов не дают партиям достигнуть своего. The wind cross and very high all these days. ≈ Все время противный и очень сильный ветер. We had such cross weather. ≈ Погода была хуже некуда. cross sea Syn: contrary, adverse, opposing, thwarting б) разг. злой, раздраженный, сердитый He is equally ugly and cross. ≈ Он выглядит и настроен равно отвратительно. Syn: ill-tempered, peevish, petulant, irritable, vexed as cross as two sticks ≈ очень не в духе, зол как черт
    3) биол. смешанный, гибридный
    4) сл. нечестный, подлый
    3. гл.
    1) а) прям. перен. перекрещивать( руки и т. п.) ;
    пересекаться, перекрещиваться His arms crossed behind him. ≈ Он сложил руки за спиной. The captain crossed one leg over the other. ≈ Капитан положил ногу на ногу. cross swords б) осенять крестным знамением, креститься cross a fortune-teller's hand with silver cross one's heart
    2) а) пересекать, переходить (через что-л.) ;
    cross smb.'s path cross the Channel б) воен. форсировать в) редк. сидеть в седле, ездить верхом г) перен. умирать
    3) соединять не с тем номером (об ошибке телефониста или АТС)
    4) а) разминуться, разойтись( о людях, письмах и т.п.) б) пересекаться, встречаться( о людях)
    5) противодействовать, противоречить;
    6) прям. перен. перечеркивать, вычеркивать, зачеркивать The debt is paid, the score is crossed. ≈ Долг уплачен, счет закрыт. cross a cheque Syn: strike out, erase
    7) биол.;
    с.-х. скрещивать(ся) If you cross soft wheat with hard wheat you can produce flour suitable for making bread. ≈ Если скрестить мягкое зерно с твердым, получится злак, из которого можно делать хороший хлеб. You can't cross a dog with a cat, but you can cross a tiger with a lion and get a different kind of big cat. ≈ Скрестить собаку с кошкой нельзя, но льва с тигром можно, получится новый вид большой кошки. Syn: interbreed, cross-fertilize
    8) сл. вести себя подло, обманывать Syn: cheatcross off cross out cross over to cross one's t's and dot one's i's ≈ ставить точки над i to cross the Rubiconперейти Рубикон, принять бесповоротное решение to cross the floor of the House парл. ≈ перейти из одной партии в другую to cross one's mindприйти в голову be crossed in loveвлюбиться без взаимности крест - Maltese * мальтийский крест - to make one's *, to sign with а * поставить крест крестное знамение - to make the sign of the * перекреститься, осенить себя крестом распятие;
    надгробный памятник в виде креста;
    крест (the С.) христианство (С.) крест (знак отличия) - Distinguished Service С. крест "За боевые заслуги" черта, перекрещивающая буквы t, f (биология) гибридизация, скрещивание;
    кросс, однократное скрещивание;
    гибрид, помесь - а mule is а * between а hоrsе and аn ass мул - это помесь лошади и осла испытания, страдания, выпавшие на долю - to bear one's * нести свой крест неприятное, досадное обстоятельство - the slightest * puts him out of humour малейшая неприятность портит ему настроение( разговорное) нечестный поступок - оn the * нечестно, обманным путем - he has been оn the * all his life он вcю свою жизнь жульничал диагональ, косое направление;
    - оn the * по косой, по диагонали - to cut on the * резать по диагонали - the skirt it cut оn the * юбка расклешена (историческое) церковные поместья в Ирландии (техническое) крестовина, пересечение кросс (телефонный) > to takе the * (историческое) стать крестoносцем;
    > nо *, nо crown несчастья бояться - счастья не видать поперечный;
    перекрестный взаимный, обоюдный противный - * head wind боковой встречный ветер противоположный - * voting голосование против своей партии - * interests противоположные интересы неблагоприятный - * weather неблагоприятная погода скрещенный;
    кроссбредный (редкое) (разговорное) криво, косо, неправильно пересекать, переходить, переправляться - to * the Atlantic пересечь Атлантический океан - to * а bridge перейти мост - to * а river переправиться через реку - to * from Dover to Саlаis пересечь Ла-Манш между Дувром и Кале - hе has not *ed the door fог two years он не переступал порога этого дома в течение двух лет - to * the finishing line (спортивное) пересечь линию финиша;
    выиграть пересекать другому ездоку дорогу скрещивать - to * one's legs скрестить ноги - to * one's arms оn one's breast скрестить руки на груди - to * swords скрестить шпаги;
    вступить в спор скрещиваться, пересекаться;
    перепутываться - at the spot where two roads * на месте, где пересекаются две дороги осенять крестным знамением - to * oneself креститься перечеркивать, зачеркивать - to * а "t" перечеркнуть букву t - to * а letter написать( резолюцию) поперек написанного в письме - to * smb.'s nаmе off the list вычеркнуть кого-л. из списка (финансовое) перечеркивать, кроссировать( разговорное) садиться верхом разминуться, разойтись - we *ed each other on the way мы разминулись друг с другом в пути - our letter *ed yours наше письмо разошлось с вашим противодействовать, препятствовать;
    противоречить - to * another's will противодействовать чьему-л. желанию - he *es mе in everything он противоречит мне во вcем - he has bеen *ed in love ему не повезло в любви (библеизм) скрещивать;
    скрещиваться воен форсировать (сленг) вести двойную игру - to * smb. предать кого-л. (эвфмеизм) перейти в мир иной > to * one's fingers, to keep one's fingers *ed скрещивать указательный и средний пальцы;
    > keep your fingers *ed! как бы не сглазить!;
    > to * оnе's t's and dot one's i's ставить точки над i;
    > to * smb.'s path встретиться на чьем-л. жизненном пути;
    стать кому-л. поперек дороги;
    > to * the floor of the House (парламентское) перейти из одной партии в другую;
    > to * the aisle( парламентское) голосовать против своей партии;
    присоединить свой голос к голосам противников;
    > to * the river преодолеть препятствие;
    > to * smb.'s palm подкупать кого-л., давать кому-л. взятку;
    > officials whose palms had bееn *ed подкупленные чиновники;
    > to * the target( военное) (профессионализм) взять цель в вилку;
    > * mу heart! вот те(бе) крест! в пространственном значении указывает на пересечение чего-л.: через - a bridge * the river мост через реку - to run * the road перебежать дорогу - to swim * a river переплыть реку в пространственном значении указывает на движение в любом направлении, кроме движения вдоль: по - the clouds scudded * the sky облака стремительно неслись по небу - to pass one's hand * one's forehead провести рукой по лбу - to slap smb. * the face ударить кого-л. по лицу в пространственном значении указывает на положение предмета поперек чего-л., под углом к чему-л.;
    поперек - a car stood * the road поперек дороги стояла машина - a headline * the front page of the paper заголовок через всю первую полосу газеты в пространственном значении указывает на местонахождение по другую сторону чего-л.: через;
    по ту сторону или на той стороне - there is a forest * the river по ту сторону реки есть лес - he addressed my from * the room он обратился ко мне с противоположного конца комнаты - we heard the radio * the street на той стороне улицы играло радио - he lives * the street он живет напротив - * the border через границу;
    за границей в пространственном значении указывает на столкновение, встречу - to come * a friend неожиданно встретить знакомого > * country напрямик;
    не по дороге( разговорное) сердитый, злой, раздраженный - * words злые слова - * answer сердитый ответ - to be * with smb. сердиться на кого-л. - to mаkе smb. * рaссердить кого-л. > as * as two sticks в плохом настроении, не в духе;
    зол как черт;
    > as * as а bear не на шутку рассерженный;
    смотрит волком ~ разг. раздраженный, злой, сердитый;
    he is cross with you он сердит на вас;
    as cross as two sticks очень не в духе;
    зол как черт ~ purpose( обыкн. pl) противоположное намерение;
    to be at cross purposes спорить, действовать наперекор друг другу ~ страдания, испытания;
    to bear one's cross нести свой крест cross взаимный ~ биол. гибридизация, скрещивание (пород) ~ зачеркивать ~ крест;
    Red Cross Красный Крест ~ тех. крестовина, крест ~ кроссировать ~ неблагоприятный ~ обоюдный ~ перекрестный ~ пересекать;
    переходить (через улицу и т. п.) ;
    to cross the Channel пересечь Ла-Манш, поехать на континент или с континента в Англию ~ пересекающийся ~ перечеркивать ~ перечеркивать;
    to cross a cheque ком. перечеркивать (или кроссировать) чек ~ помесь, гибрид (between) ~ поперечный;
    перекрестный ~ поперечный, перекрестный ~ поперечный ~ препятствовать ~ противный (о ветре) ;
    неблагоприятный ~ противодействовать, противоречить;
    препятствовать ~ противодействовать ~ противоположный ~ противоречить ~ разг. раздраженный, злой, сердитый;
    he is cross with you он сердит на вас;
    as cross as two sticks очень не в духе;
    зол как черт ~ разминуться, разойтись (о людях, письмах) ~ распятие ~ скрещивать (шпаги, руки и т. п.) ~ биол., с.-х. скрещиваться ~ страдания, испытания;
    to bear one's cross нести свой крест ~ воен. форсировать ~ (the C.) христианство ~ черта, перечеркивающая буквы t, f ~ черта ~ топ. эккер Cross: Cross: Blue ~ медицинское страховое общество cross: cross: infinite ~ вчт. адская работа ~ перечеркивать;
    to cross a cheque ком. перечеркивать (или кроссировать) чек ~ head = cross heading ~ head тех. крейцкопф, ползун ~ head = cross heading ~ heading подзаголовок( в газетной статье) ~ off, ~ out вычеркивать to ~ one's mind прийти в голову;
    to cross one's t's and dot one's i's = ставить точки над i;
    to cross the Rubicon перейти Рубикон, принять бесповоротное решение to ~ one's mind прийти в голову;
    to cross one's t's and dot one's i's = ставить точки над i;
    to cross the Rubicon перейти Рубикон, принять бесповоротное решение to ~ oneself креститься, перекреститься ~ off, ~ out вычеркивать ~ out вычеркивать ~ over переходить, пересекать, переезжать, переправляться to ~ (smb.'s) path встретиться (с кем-л.) to ~ (smb.'s) path стать (кому-л.) поперек дороги path: ~ путь;
    to enter on( или to take) the path вступить на путь;
    to cross (smb.'s) path стать (кому-л.) поперек дороги ~ purpose игра-загадка ~ purpose недоразумение, основанное на взаимном непонимании ~ purpose (обыкн. pl) противоположное намерение;
    to be at cross purposes спорить, действовать наперекор друг другу ~ question вопрос, поставленный при перекрестном допросе ~ reference перекрестная ссылка reference: cross ~ вчт. перекрестная ссылка ~ section поперечное сечение, поперечный разрез, профиль ~ пересекать;
    переходить (через улицу и т. п.) ;
    to cross the Channel пересечь Ла-Манш, поехать на континент или с континента в Англию to ~ the floor of the House парл. перейти из одной партии в другую to ~ one's mind прийти в голову;
    to cross one's t's and dot one's i's = ставить точки над i;
    to cross the Rubicon перейти Рубикон, принять бесповоротное решение Rubicon: Rubicon: to pass the ~, to cross the ~ перейти Рубикон, принять бесповоротное решение ~ разг. раздраженный, злой, сердитый;
    he is cross with you он сердит на вас;
    as cross as two sticks очень не в духе;
    зол как черт cross: infinite ~ вчт. адская работа ~ крест;
    Red Cross Красный Крест RC: RC: Red Cross Красный Крест Red: Red Cross крест св. Георгия (национальная эмблема Англии) ~ Красный Крест tpacking ~ вчт. следящее перекрестие

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > cross

  • 5 cross

    [krɔs] 1. сущ.
    1) крест ( знак); две перекрещивающиеся линии
    2) ист. распятие, крест (инструмент позорной казни, применявшейся в древности)
    3) рел.
    а) ( the Cross) крест (на котором был распят Иисус Христос; символ искупления грехов человечества)
    4) ( the Cross) рел. христианство, религия креста
    - warrior of the Cross
    5) крест, испытания, страдания
    6) рел.; = sign of the cross крестное знамение
    7) черта, перечёркивающая буквы t, f
    8) тех. крест, крестовина
    9) астр.; = Southern Cross Южный Крест ( созвездие)
    10) ист.; сокр. от cross lands церковные земли ( в Ирландии)
    11) геогр. экер
    12) биол. гибридизация, скрещивание ( пород); помесь, гибрид

    The dog was a cross between a collie and a wolfhound. — Пёс был помесью колли и волкодава.

    It was a cross between a laugh and a bark. — Раздалось нечто среднее между смешком и лаем.

    14) разг. нечестная игра, обман; мошенничество
    2. прил.
    1) поперечный; пересекающийся; перекрёстный

    The cross roofs were connecting them with the main building. — Поперечные крыши соединяли их с главным зданием.


    cross seaмор. перекрёстная волна

    б) неблагоприятный; противный ( о ветре)

    The wind was cross and very high all these days. — Все эти дни дул противный и очень сильный ветер.

    We had such cross weather. — Погода была хуже некуда.

    3) разг. злой, раздражённый, сердитый

    as cross as a bear / two sticks — очень не в духе, зол как чёрт

    4) биол. смешанный, гибридный
    5) разг. нечестный, подлый
    3. гл.
    1) = cross over пересекать, переходить (через что-л.); переправляться

    Cross over at the traffic lights, where the road is safe. — Переходите дорогу у светофора, так безопаснее.

    He crossed over to the window to see if it was still misty. — Он подошёл к окну посмотреть, не рассеялся ли туман.

    If we had a boat we could cross over to the island. — Если бы у нас была лодка, мы могли бы сплавать на остров.

    а) скрещивать, складывать крестом

    He crossed his arms behind him. — Он заложил руки за спину.

    The captain crossed one leg over the other. — Капитан положил ногу на ногу.

    б) пересекаться, перекрещиваться

    He crossed himself. — Он перекрестился.

    4) перечёркивать, зачёркивать

    The debt is paid, the score is crossed. — Долг уплачен, счёт закрыт.

    5) разминуться, разойтись, не встретиться, не пересечься
    7) противодействовать, противоречить; препятствовать
    8) воен. форсировать
    9) уст.; разг. сидеть в седле, ездить верхом
    10) эвф. умирать, переходить в мир иной
    11) биол.; с.-х.

    You can't cross a dog with a cat, but you can cross a tiger with a lion and get a different kind of big cat. — Скрестить собаку с кошкой нельзя, но льва с тигром можно, и получится новый вид большой кошки.

    12) разг. мошенничать, обманывать
    cheat 1.
    - cross out
    - cross over
    - cross up

    to cross the Rubicon — перейти Рубикон, принять бесповоротное решение

    to cross the floor of the Houseполит. перейти из одной партии в другую

    - cross a fortune-teller's hand with silver
    - cross one's heart
    - cross smb.'s path

    Англо-русский современный словарь > cross

  • 6 cross

    1. n
    1) крест, крестик, перекрестие
    4) скрещивание (пород), гибридизация; помесь, гибрид
    2. adj
    скрещивать(ся); пересекать(ся); креститься

    to cross one's heart — клясться, что говоришь правду

    3. adj
    1) пересекающийся, перекрёстный
    2) противоположный, неблагоприятный, не попутный (о ветре)
    3) злой, сердитый, раздражённый

    2000 самых употребительных английских слов > cross

  • 7 kross-maðr

    m. a cross-man, warrior of the cross, Ó. H. 216.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > kross-maðr

  • 8 krossmaðr

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > krossmaðr

  • 9 प्रति _prati

    प्रति ind.
    1 As a prefix to verbs it means (a) towards, in the direction of; (b) back, in return, again; तष्ठेदानीं न मे जीवन् प्रतियास्यसि दुर्मते Rām.7.18.13; (c) in opposition to, against, counter; (d) upon, down upon; (see the several roots with this preposition).
    -2 As a prefix to nouns not directly derived from verbs it means (a) likeness, resemblance, equality; (b) opposite, of the opposite side; प्रतिबल Ve.3.5. 'the opposing force'; so प्रतिद्विपाः Mu.2.13; (c) rivalry; as in प्रतिचन्द्रः 'a rival moon'; प्रतिपुरुषः &c.
    -3 As a separable preposition (with acc.) it means (a) towards, in the direction of, to; तौ दम्पती स्वां प्रति राजधानीं प्रस्थापयामास वशी वसिष्ठः R.2.7;1. 75; प्रत्यनिलं विचेरु Ku.3.31; वृक्षं प्रति विद्योतते विद्युत् Sk.; (b) against, counter, in opposition to, opposite; तदा यायाद् रिपुं प्रति Ms.7.171; प्रदुदुवुस्तं प्रति राक्षसेन्द्रम् Rām.; ययावजः प्रत्यरिसैन्यमेव R.7.55; (c) in comparison with, on a par with, in proportion to, a match for; त्वं सहस्राणि प्रति Ṛv.2.1.8; (d) near, in the vicinity of, by, at, in, on; समासेदुस्ततो गङ्गां शृङ्गवेरपुरं प्रति Rām.; गङ्गां प्रति; (e) at the time, about, during; आदित्यस्योदयं प्रति Mb; फाल्गुनं वाथ चैत्रं वा मासौ प्रति Ms.7.182; (f) on the side of, in favour of, to the lot of; यदत्र मां प्रति स्यात् Sk.; हरं प्रति हलाहलं (अभवत्) Vop.; (g) in each, in or at every, severally (used in a distributive sense); वर्षं प्रति, प्रतिवर्षम्; यज्ञं प्रति Y.1.11; वृक्षं वृक्षं प्रति सिञ्चति Sk.; (h) with regard or reference to, in relation to, regarding, concerning, about, as to; न हि मे संशीतिरस्या दिव्यतां प्रति K.132; चन्द्रोपरागं प्रति तु केनापि विप्रलब्धासि Mu.1; धर्मं प्रति Ś.5.18; मन्दौत्सुक्यो$स्मि नगरगमनं प्रति Ś.1; Ku.6.27; 7.83; त्वयैकमीशं प्रति साधु भाषितम् 5.81; Y.1.218; R.6. 12;1.29;12.51; (i) according to, in conformity with; मां प्रति in my opinion; (j) before, in the presence of; (k) for, on account of.
    -4 As a separable preposi- tion (with abl.) it means either (a) a representative of, in place of, instead of; प्रद्युम्नः कृष्णात् प्रति Sk.; संग्रामे यो नारायणतः प्रति Bk.8.89; or (b) in exchange or return for; तिलेभ्यः प्रति यच्छति माषान् Sk.; भक्तेः प्रत्यमृतं शंभोः Vop.
    -5 As the first member of Avyayībhāva compound it usually means (a) in or at every; as प्रतिसंवत्सरम् 'every year', प्रतिक्षणम्, प्रत्यहम् &c.; (b) towards, in the direction of; प्रत्यग्नि शलभा डयन्ते.
    -6 प्रति is sometimes used as the last member of Avyayī. comp. in the sense of 'a little'; सूपप्रति, शाकप्रति. [ Note:-- In the com- pounds given below all words the second members of which are words not immediately connected with verbs, are included; other words will be found in their proper places.]
    -Comp. -अंशम् ind. on the shoulders.
    -अक्षरम् ind. in every syllable or letter; प्रत्यक्षरश्लेषमयप्रबन्ध Vās.
    -अग्नि ind. towards the fire.
    -अग्र = प्रत्यग्र q. v.
    -अङ्गम् 1 a secondary or minor limb (of the body), as the nose.
    -2 a division, chapter, section.
    -3 every limb.
    -4 a weapon. (
    -ङ्गम्) ind.
    1 on or at every limb of the body; as in प्रत्यङ्ग- मालिङ्गितः Gīt.1.
    -2 for every subdivision.
    -3 in each case (in grammar).
    -अधिदेवता a tutelary deity who stays in front or near one; Hch.
    -अधिष्ठानम्, -आधानम् the principal place of residence; Bṛi. Up.2.2.1.
    -2 repository.
    -अनन्तर a.
    1 being in immediate neigh- bourhood; दानमानादिसत्कारैः कुरुष्व प्रत्यनन्तरम् Rām.4.15.27. (com. प्रत्यनन्तरं स्वाधीनम्).
    -2 standing nearest (as an heir).
    -3 immediately following, closely connected with; जीवेत् क्षत्रियधर्मेण स ह्यस्य (ब्राह्मणस्य) प्रत्यनन्तरः; Ms.1. 82;8.185. (
    -रम्) ind.
    1 immediately after.
    -2 next in succession.
    -रीभू to betake oneself close to; P. R.
    -अनिलम् ind. towards or against the wind.
    -अनीक a
    1 hostile, opposed, inimical.
    -2 resisting, opposing.
    -3 opposite.
    -4 equal, vying with. (
    -कः) an enemy.
    (-कम्) 1 hostility, enmity, hostile attitude or position; न शक्ताः प्रत्यनीकेषु स्थातुं मम सुरासुराः Rām.
    -2 a hostile army; यस्य शूरा महेष्वासाः प्रत्यनीकगता रणे Mb.; ये$वस्थिताः प्रत्यनीकेषु योधाः Bg.11.32. (प्र˚ may have here sense 1 also).
    -3 (in Rhet.) a figure of speech in which one tries to injure a person or thing connected with an enemy who himself cannot be injured; प्रतिपक्षमशक्तेन प्रतिकर्तुं तिरस्क्रिया । या तदीयस्य तत्स्तुत्यै प्रत्यनीकं तदुच्यते K. P.1.
    -अनुप्रासः a kind of alliteration.
    -अनुमानम् an opposite conclusion.
    -अन्त a. contiguous, lying close to, adjacent, bordering.
    (-न्तः) 1 a border, frontier; स गुप्तमूलप्रत्यन्तः R.4.26.
    -2 a bordering country; especi- ally, a country occupied by barbarian or Mlechchhas. ˚देशः a bordering country. ˚पर्वतः an adjacent hill; पादाः प्रत्यन्तपर्वताः Ak.
    -अन्धकार a. spreading shadow; Buddh.
    -अपकारः retaliation, injury in return; शाम्येत् प्रत्यप- कारेण नोपकारेण दुर्जनः Ku.2.4.
    -अब्दम् ind. every year
    -अमित्र a. hostile. (
    -त्रः) an enemy. (
    -त्रम्) ind. towards as enemy.
    -अरिः 1 a well-matched opponent.
    -2 the 9th, 14th or 23rd asterism from the जन्मनक्षत्र.
    -3 a particular asterism; दारुणेषु च सर्वेषु प्रत्यरिं च विवर्जयेत् Mb.13.14.28 (com. प्रत्यरिं स्वनक्षत्राद् दिननक्षत्रं यावद् गणयित्वा नवभिर्भागे हृते पञ्चमी तारा प्रत्यरिः ।).
    -अर्कः a mock sun; parhelion.
    -अर्गलम् the rope by which a churning stick is moved.
    -अवयवम् ind.
    1 in every limb.
    -2 in every particular, in detail.
    1 lower, less honoured; पुरावरान् प्रत्यवरान् गरीयसः Mb.13.94.12.
    -2 very low or degrading, very insignificant; Ms.1.19.
    -अश्मन् m. red chalk.
    -अष्ठीला a kind of nervous disease.
    -अहम् ind. every day, daily; day by day; गिरिशमुपचचार प्रत्यहं सा सुकेशी Ku.1.6.
    -आकारः a scabbard, sheath.
    -आघातः 1 a counter-stroke.
    -2 reaction.
    -आचारः suitable conduct or behaviour.
    -आत्मम् ind. singly, severally.
    -आत्मक a. belonging to oneself.
    -आत्म्यम् similarity with oneself.
    -आत्मेन ind. after one's own image; स किंनरान् कुंपुरुषान् प्रत्यात्म्येना- सृजत् प्रभुः Bhāg.3.2.45.
    -आदित्यः a mock sun.
    -आरम्भः 1 recommencement, second beginning.
    -2 pro- hibition.
    -आर्द्र a. fresh.
    -आशा 1 hope, expectation; न यत्र प्रत्याशामनुपतति नो वा रहयति Māl.9.8.
    -2 trust, con- fidence.
    -आसङ्गः Connection, contact; अथ प्रत्यासङ्गः कमपि महिमानं वितरति Mv.1.12.
    -आस्वर 1 returning.
    -2 reflecting; Ch.Up.1.3.2.
    -आह्वयः echo, resonance; छाया प्रत्याह्वयाभासा ह्यसन्तो$प्यर्थकारिणः Bhāg.11.28.5.
    -उत्तरम् a reply, rejoinder.
    -उलूकः 1 a crow; मृत्युदूतः कपोतो$यमुलूकः कम्पयन्मनः । प्रत्युलूकश्च कुह्वानैरनिद्रौ शून्यमिच्छतः ॥ Bhāg.1.14.14.
    -2 a bird resembling an owl.
    -ऋचम् ind. in each Rik.
    -एक a. each, each one, every single one. (
    -कम्) ind.
    1 one at a time, severally; singly, in every one, to every one; oft. with the force of an adjective; विवेश दण्डकारण्यं प्रत्येकं च सतां मनः R.12.9. 'entered the mind of every good man'; 12.3;7.34; Ku.2.31.
    -एनस् m.
    1 an officer of justice (who punishes criminals); Bṛi. Up.4.3.7.
    -2 a heir responsible for the debts of the deceased; surety.
    -कञ्चुकः 1 an adversary.
    -2 a critic.
    -कण्ठम् ind.
    1 severally, one by one.
    -2 near the throat.
    -कलम् ind. constantly, perpetually.
    -कश a. not obeying the whip.
    -कष्ट a. comparatively bad.
    -कामिनी a female rival; Śi.
    -कायः 1 an effigy, image, picture, likeness.
    -2 an adversary; स वृषध्वजसायकावभिन्नं जयहेतुः प्रतिकाय- मेषणीयम् Ki.13.28.
    -3 a target, butt, mark.
    -कितवः an opponent in a game.
    -कुञ्जरः a hostile elephant.
    -कूपः a moat, ditch.
    -कूल a.
    1 unfavourable, adverse, contrary, hostile, opposite, प्रतिकूलतामुपगते हि विधौ विफलत्व- मेति बहुसाधनता Śi.9.6; Ku.3.24.
    -2 harsh, discordant. unpleasant, disagreeable; अप्यन्नपुष्टा प्रतिकूलशब्दा Ku.1. 45.
    -3 inauspicious.
    -4 contradictory.
    -5 reverse, inverted.
    -6 perverse, cross, peevish, stubborn. ˚आचार- णम्, ˚आचरितम् any offensive or hostile action or conduct; प्रतिकूलाचरितं क्षमख मे R.8.81. ˚उक्तम्, -क्तिः f. a contra- diction. ˚कारिन्, -कृत, -चारिन्, -वत्ति a. opposing. ˚दर्शन a. having an inauspicious or ungracious appearance. ˚प्रवर्तिन्, -वर्तिन् a. acting adversely, taking an adverse course. ˚भाषिन् a. opposing, contradicting. ˚वचनम् dis- agreeable or unpleasant speech. ˚वादः contradiction. (प्रतिकूलता, -त्वम् adverseness, opposition, hostility. प्रति- कूलयति 'to oppose'.).
    -कूल ind.
    1 adversely, contrarily.
    -2 inversely, in inverted order.
    -कूलय Den. P. to resist, oppose.
    -कूलिक a. hostile, inimical.
    -क्षणम् ind. at every moment or instant, constantly; प्रतिक्षणं संभ्रमलोलदृष्टि- र्लीलारविन्देन निवारयन्ती Ku.3.56.
    -क्षपम् ind. everynight.
    -गजः a hostile elephant
    -गात्रम् ind. in very limb.
    -गिरिः 1 an opposite mountain.
    -2 an inferior mountain.
    -गृहम्, -गेहम् ind. in every house.
    -ग्रामम् ind. in every village.
    -चक्रम् a hostile army.
    -चन्द्रः a mock moon; paraselene.
    -चरणम् ind.
    1 in every (Vedic) school or branch.
    -2 at every foot-step.
    -छाया, -यिका 1 a reflected image, reflection, shadow; रूपं प्रतिच्छायिक- योपनीतम् N.6.45.
    -2 an image, picture.
    -जङ्घा the forepart of the leg.
    -जिह्वा, -जिह्विका the soft palate,
    -तन्त्रम् ind. according to each Tantra or opinion.
    -तन्त्र- सिद्धान्तः a conclusion adopted by one of the disputants only; (वादिप्रतिवाद्येकतरमात्राभ्युपगतः).
    -त्र्यहम् ind. for three days at a time.
    -दण्ड a. Ved. disobedient.
    -दिनम् ind. every day; राशीभूतः प्रतिदिनमिव त्र्यम्बकस्याट्टहासः Me.6.
    -दिशम् ind. in every direction, all round, every- where.
    -दूतः a messenger sent in return.
    -देवता a corresponding deity; गताः कलाः पञ्चदश प्रतिष्ठा देवाश्च सर्वे प्रतिदेवतासु Muṇḍa.3.2.7.
    -देशम् ind. in every country.
    -देहम् ind. in every body.
    -दैवतम् ind. for every deity.
    -द्वन्द्वः 1 an antagonist, opponent, adversary, rival.
    -2 an enemy. (
    -द्वम्) opposition, hostility.
    -द्वन्द्विन् a.
    1 hostile, inimical.
    -2 adverse (प्रतिकूल); कृतान्तदुर्वृत्त इवापरेषां पुरः प्रतिद्वन्द्विनि पाण्डवास्त्रे Ki.16.29.
    -3 rivalling, vying with; किसलयोद्भेदप्रतिद्वन्दिभिः (करतलैः) Ś.4.5. (-m.) an opponent, adversary, rival; तुल्यप्रति- द्वन्द्वि बभूव युद्धम् R.7.37.;15.25.
    -द्वारम् ind. at every gate.
    -धुरः a horse harnessed by the side of another.
    -नप्तृ m. great-grandson, a son's grandson.
    -नव a.
    1 new, young, fresh.
    -2 newly blown budded; सान्ध्यं तेजः प्रतिनवजपापुष्परक्तं दधानः Me.38.
    -नाडी a branch-vein.
    -नायकः the adversary of the hero of any poetic com- position; धीरोद्धतः पापकारी व्यसनी प्रतिनायकः S. D., as रावण in the Rāmāyaṇa, शिशुपाल in Māgha-Kāvya &c.
    -नारी, -पत्नी, -युवतिः a female rival; Śi.7.45.
    -निनादः = प्रतिध्वनिः q. v.
    -न्यायम् ind. in inverted order; पुनः प्रतिन्यायं प्रतियोन्याद्रवति स्वप्नायैव Bṛi. Up.4.3.15.
    -पक्ष a. like, similar.
    (-क्षः) 1 the opposite side, party or faction, hostility; विमृश्य पक्षप्रतिपक्षाभ्यामवधारणं नियमः Gaut. S,
    -2 an adversary, enemy, foe, rival; प्रति- पक्षकामिनी, -लक्ष्मी 'a rival wife'; Bv.2.64; दासीकृतायाः प्रति- पक्षलक्ष्याः Vikr.1.73; प्रतिपक्षमशक्तेन प्रतिकर्तुम् K. P.1; Vikr.1.7; often used in comp. in the sense of 'equal' or 'similar'.
    -3 remedy, expiation; यादवस्य पापस्य प्रतिपक्षमुपदिशामि Nāg.5.
    -4 a defendant or respondent (in law). ˚ता
    1 hostility, opposition.
    -2 obstacle.
    -पक्षित a.
    1 containing a contradiction.
    -2 nullified by a contradictory premise; (as a hetu in न्याय); cf. सत्प्रतिपक्ष.
    -पक्षिन् m. an opponent, adversary.
    -पण्यम् merchandise in exchange; Buddh.
    -प्रथम् ind. along the road, towards the way; प्रतिपथगतिरासीद् वेगदीर्घीकृताङ्गः Ku.3.76.
    -पदम् ind.
    1 at evry stop.
    -2 at every place, everywhere.
    -3 expressly.
    -4 in every word; प्रतिपदाख्याने तु गौरवं परिहरद्भिर्वृत्तिकारैः सर्वसामान्यः शब्दः प्रति- गृहीतः प्रकृतिवदिति ŚB. on MS.8.1.2.
    -पल्लवः an opposite or outstretched branch; R.
    -पाणः 1 a stake.
    -2 a counter-pledge.
    -3 a counter-stake; Mb.3.
    -पादम् ind. in each quarter.
    -पात्रम् ind. with regard to each part, of each character; प्रतिपात्रमाधीयतां यत्नः Ś.1 'let care be taken of each character'.
    -पादपम् ind. in every tree.
    -पाप a. returning sin for sin, requiting evil for evil.
    -पु(पू)रुषः 1 a like or similar man.
    -2 a substitute, deputy.
    -3 a companion.
    -4 the effigy of a man pushed by thieves into the interior of a house before entering it themselves (to ascertain if any body is awake).
    -5 an effigy in general. (
    -षम्) ind. man by man, for each man.
    -पुस्तकम् a copy of an original manuscript.
    -पूर्वाह्णम् ind. every forenoon.
    -प्रति a. counter-balancing, equal to.
    -प्रभातम् ind. every morning.
    -प्रसवः 1 (As opposed to अनुप्रसव) tracing causes back to the origin as -- a pot, a lump of mud, mud, clay, Pātañjala Yogadarśana.
    -2 Negation of (or exception to) a negation. The force of a प्रतिप्रसव is positive, limiting as it does the scope of a प्रतिषेध or negation. Hence it is just the opposite of परिसंख्या whose force is negative or exclusive since it limits the scope of a positive statement. प्रतिप्रसवो$यं न परिसंख्या ŚB. on MS.1.7.45.
    -प्रकारः an outer wall or rampart.
    -प्रियम् a kindness or service in return; प्रतिप्रियं चेद् भवतो न कुर्यां वृथा हि मे स्यात् स्वपदोपलब्धिः R.5.56.
    -बन्धुः an equal in rank or station; Mb.5.121.13.
    -बलः a.
    1 able, powerful.
    -2 equal in strength, equally matched or powerful.
    (-लम्) 1 a hostile army; अस्त्रज्वालावलीढप्रतिबलजलधेरन्तरौर्वायमाणे Ve.3.7.
    -2 strength.
    -बाहु 1 the forepart of the arm.
    -2 an opposite side (in a square or polygon).
    -बि (वि) म्बः, -म्बम् 1 a reflection, reflected image; ज्योतिषां प्रतिबिम्बानि प्राप्नु- वन्त्युपहारताम् Ku.6.42; Śi.9.18.
    -2 an image, a picture.
    -बीजम् a rotten seed.
    -भट a. vying with, rivalling; घटप्रतिभटस्तनि N.13.5.
    (-टः) 1 a rival, an opponent; निवासः कन्दर्पप्रतिभटजटाजूटभवने G. L.21.
    -2 a warrior on the opposite side; समालोक्याजौ त्वां विदधति विकल्पान् प्रतिभटाः K. P.1.
    -भय a.
    1 fearful, formidable, terrible, frightful.
    -2 dangerous; स्वगृहोद्यानगते$पि स्निग्धैः पापं विशङ्क्यते मोहात् । किमु दृष्टबह्वपायप्रतिभयकान्तारमध्यस्थे ॥ Pt.2.171; Nāg.5.1.; Bhāg.1.6.14. (
    -यम्) a danger; सुनन्द, श्रुतं मया संनिहितगरुडप्रतिभयमुद्देशं जामाता जीमूतवाहनो गतः Nāg.5.
    -भैरव a. dreadful.
    -मञ्चः a kind of measure (in music.)
    -मञ्चाः Platforms opposite to each other; दशभागिकौ द्वौ प्रतिमञ्चौ Kau. A.2.3.21.
    -मण्डलम् 1 a secondary disc (of the sun &c.).
    -2 an eccentric orbit.
    -मन्दिरम् ind. in every house.
    -मल्लः an antagonist, a rival; उपेयिवांसं प्रतिमल्लतां रयस्मये जितस्य प्रसभं गरुत्मतः N.1.63; पातालप्रतिमल्लगल्ल &c. Māl.5.22.
    -मानना worship (पूजा); स्पर्शमशुचिवपुरर्हति न प्रतिमाननां तु नितरां नृपोचिताम् Śi.15.35.
    -माया a counter-spell or charm; प्रतिमाया कृतं च तत् Mb.1.34.22.
    -मार्गः the way back; Mb.4.
    -मार्गम् ind. back, back- wards.
    -माला capping verses (Mar. भंडी).
    -मासम् ind. every month, monthly.
    -मित्रम् an enemy, adversary.
    -मुख a. standing before the face, facing; प्रतिमुखागत Ms.8.291.
    -2 near, present. (
    -खम्) a secondary plot or incident in a drama which tends either to hasten or retard the catastrophe; see S. D.334 and 351-364. (
    -खम्) ind.
    1 towards.
    -2 in front, before.
    -मुखरी a particular mode of drumming.
    -मुद्रा 1 a counter- seal.
    -2 the impression of a seal.
    -मुहूर्तम् ind. every moment.
    -मूर्तिः f. an image, a likeness.
    -मूषिका f. a musk-rat (Mar. चिचुंदरी).
    -यूथपः the leader of a hostile herd of elephants.
    -रथः an adversary in war (lit. in fighting in a war-chariot); दौष्यन्तिमप्रतिरथं तनयं निवेश्य Ś.4.2.
    -रथ्यम् in every road; अस्मिन् नगरे प्रतिरथ्यं भुजङ्गबद्धसंचारे Udb.
    -रवः, -ध्वनिः 1 an echo; प्रतिरवविततो वनानि चक्रे Ki.1.4.
    -2 quarrel; controversy.
    -3 (Ved.) life (प्राण).
    -रसितम् an echo; केनास्मत् सिंह- नादप्रतिरसितसखो दुन्दुभिस्ताड्यते$यम् Ve.1.22.
    -राजः a hostile king.
    -रात्रम् ind. every night.
    -रूप a.
    1 corresponding, similar, having a counter-part in; अग्निर्यथैको भुवनं प्रविष्टो रूपं रूपं प्रतिरूपो बभूव Kaṭh.2.2.9.
    -2 beautiful.
    -3 suitable, proper; इदं न प्रतिरूपं ते स्त्रीष्वदाक्षिण्यमीदृशम् Bu. Ch.4.66; आत्मनः प्रतिरूपं सा बभाषे चारुहासिनी Rām.4. 19.17.
    -4 facing (अभिमुख); प्रतिरूपं जनं कुर्यान्न चेत् तद् वर्तते यथा Mb.12.97.16 (com. प्रतिरूपं युद्धाभिमुखम्).
    (-पम्) 1 a picture, an image, a likeness.
    -2 a mirror-like reflecting object; अदर्शनं स्वशिरसः प्रतिरूपे च सत्यपि Bhāg. 1.42.28.
    -4 an object of comparison (उपमान); भवान्मे खलु भक्तानां सर्वेषां प्रतिरूपधृक् Bhāg.7.1.21.
    -रूपक a. resembling, similar (at the end of comp.); जहीमान् राक्षसान् पापानात्मनः प्रतिरूपकान् Mb.3.29.11; चेष्टाप्रतिरूपिका मनोवृत्तिः Ś.1.
    (-कम्) 1 a picture, an image; अग्निदैर्गर- दैश्चैव प्रतिरूपककारकैः Mb.12.59.49.
    -2 a forged edict; जर्जरं चास्य विषयं कुर्वन्ति प्रतिरूपकैः Mb.12.56.52.
    -3 a reflec- tion.
    -लक्षणम् a mark, sign, token.
    -लिपिः f. a tran- script, a written copy.
    -लेखः a writ of reply; प्रावृत्तिकश्च प्रतिलेख एव Kau. A.2.1.28.
    -लोम a.
    1 'against the hair or grain', contray to the natural order, inverted, reverse (opp. अनुलोम); नववर्षसहस्राक्षः प्रतिलोमो$भवद् गुरुः Bhāg.12.14.15.
    -2 contrary to caste (said of the issue of a woman who is of a higher caste than her husband).
    -3 hostile.
    -4 low, vile, base.
    -5 left (वाम).
    -6 obstinate, perverse; अपरिचितस्यापि ते$प्रतिलोमः संवृत्तः Ś.7.
    -7 disagreeable, unpleasant. (
    -मम्) any injurious or unpleasant act. (
    -मम्) ind. 'against the hair or grain', inversely, invertedly. ˚ज a. born in the inverse order of the castes; i. e. born of a mother who is of a higher caste than the father; cf. Ms.1.16,25.
    -लोमक a. reverse, inverted; राजन्यविप्रयोः कस्माद् विवाहः प्रतिलोमकः Bhāg.9.18.5.
    -कम् inverted order.
    -लोमतः ind.
    1 in consequence of the inverted order or course; Ms.1.68.
    -2 in an unfriendly manner; यदा बहुविधां वृद्धिं मन्येत प्रतिलोमतः Mb.12.13.39.
    -वत्सरम् ind. every year.
    -वनम् ind. in every forest.
    -वर्णिक a. similar, corresponding.
    -वर्धिन् a. being a match for.
    -वर्षम् ind. every year.
    -वस्तु n.
    1 an equivalent, a counter- part.
    -2 anything given in return.
    -3 a parallel. ˚उपमा a figure of speech thus defined by Mammaṭa:-- प्रतिवस्तूपमा तु सा ॥ सामान्यस्य द्विरेकस्य यत्र वाक्यद्वये स्थितिः । K. P.1; e. g. तापेन भ्राजते सूर्यः शूरश्चापेन राजते Chandr.5. 48.
    -वातः a contrary wind; प्रतिवाते$नुवाते च नासीत गुरुणा सह Ms.2.23. (
    -तम्) ind. against the wind; चीनांशुक- मिव केतोः प्रतिवातं नीयमानस्य Ś.1.33.
    -वारणः a hostile elephant.
    -वासरम् ind. every day.
    -विटपम् ind.
    1 on every branch.
    -2 branch by branch.
    -विषम् an anti- dote. (
    -षा) a birch tree.
    -विष्णुकः a Muchakunda tree.
    -वीरः an opponent, antagonist.
    -वीर्यम् being equal to or a match for.
    -वृषः a hostile bull.
    -वेलम् ind. at each time, on every occasion.
    -वेशः 1 a neighbouring house, neighbourhood.
    -2 a neighbour.
    -वेशिन् a. a neigh- bour; दृष्ट्वा प्रभातसमये प्रतिवेशिवर्गः Mk.3.14.
    -वेश्मन् n. a neighbour's house.
    -वेश्यः a neighbour.
    -वैरम् re- quital of hostilities revenge.
    -शब्दः 1 echo, reverbera- tion; वसुधाधरकन्दराभिसर्पी प्रतिशब्दो$पि हरेर्भिनत्ति नागान् V. 1.16; Ku.6.64; R.2.28.
    -2 a roar.
    -शशिन् m. a mock-moon.
    -शाखम् ind. for every branch or school (of the Veda).
    -शाखा a side-branch; महाभूतविशेषश्च विशेषप्रतिशाखवान् Mb.14.35.21.
    -संवत्सरम् ind. every year.
    -सङ्गक्षिका 1 a cloak to keep off the dust; Buddh.
    -संदेशः a reply to the message; दर्पसारस्य प्रति- संदेशमावेदयत् D. K.2.1.
    -सम a. equal to, a match for.
    -सव्य a. in an inverted order.
    -सामन्तः an enemy.
    -सायम् ind. every evening.
    -सूर्यः, -सूर्यकः 1 a mock-sun.
    -2 a lizard, chameleon; 'कृकलासस्तु सरटः प्रतिसूर्यः शयानकः ।' Hemchandra; तृष्यद्भिः प्रतिसूर्यकैरजगरस्वेदद्रवः पीयते U.2.16.
    -सेना, सैन्यम् a hostile army; निहतां प्रतिसैन्येन वडवामिव पातिताम् Rām.2.114.17.
    -स्थानम् ind. in every place, everywhere.
    -स्मृतिः N. of parti- cular kind of magic; गृहाणेमां मया प्रोक्तां सिद्धिं मूर्तिमतीमिव । विद्यां प्रतिस्मृतिं नाम Mb.3.36.3.
    -स्रोतस् ind. against the stream; सरस्वतीं प्रतिस्रोतं ययौ ब्राह्मणसंवृतः Bhāg.1.78. 18. -a. going against the stream; अथासाद्य तु कालिन्दी प्रतिस्रोतः समागताम् Rām.2.55.5.
    -हस्तः, -हस्तकः a deputy, an agent, substitute, proxy; आश्रितानां भृतौ स्वामिसेवायां धर्मसेवने । पुत्रस्योत्पादने चैव न सन्ति प्रतिहस्तकाः ॥ H.2.33.
    -हस्तीकृ to take; Pratijñā 3.
    -हस्तिन् the keeper of a brothel; Dk.2.2.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > प्रति _prati

  • 10 defensor

    1 defender, supporter, advocate, champion.
    2 counsel for the defense, lawyer, defense lawyer, legist.
    * * *
    1 defending
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 defender
    2 DERECHO counsel for the defence (US defense)
    * * *
    (f. - defensora)
    * * *
    defensor, -a
    1. SM / F
    1) (=protector) [de territorio, intereses] defender; [de causa, idea, derechos] defender, champion
    2) (Jur) defence lawyer, defense attorney o lawyer (EEUU)

    el defensor interrogó al testigocounsel for the defence o defending counsel cross-examined the witness

    3) (Dep) [de título] defender
    2. ADJ
    1) (=protector)
    2) (Jur)

    abogado defensor — defence lawyer, defense attorney o lawyer (EEUU)

    * * *
    - sora adjetivo
    a) < ejército> defending (before n)
    b) (Der) < abogado> defense* (before n)
    - sora masculino, femenino
    a) (Mil) defender
    b) ( de una causa) champion
    c) (Der) defense counsel (AmE), defence lawyer (BrE)
    * * *
    = advocate, defendant, proponent, respondent, champion, defender, supporter, apologist, backer, crusader, freedom fighter, torchbearer [torch bearer], campaigner, standard-bearer.
    Ex. Sanford Berman has been an early, continuing, and outspoken advocate of user-oriented cataloging service.
    Ex. A respondent is a candidate for a degree who, in an academic disputation, defends or opposes a thesis proposed by the praeses (q.v.); also called the defendant.
    Ex. The proponents do provide for an author added entry to show what the library has by an author.
    Ex. A respondent is a candidate for a degree who, in an academic disputation, defends or opposes a thesis proposed by the praeses (q.v.); also called the defendant.
    Ex. NACs see their role as champions of the inarticulate by either taking up their case or providing groups with the information weaponry to campaign for their rights.
    Ex. It is very difficult to think of discreditable activities associated with books apart from the writing and selling of pornography and even that has its defenders.
    Ex. Then, a series of unfortunate circumstances (the outbreak of the war, family problems) deprived the project of its promoter and most passionate supporter.
    Ex. At the present time the misunderstandings that still persist, even among those who should know better, oblige any apologist of reference work to go out of his way to make clear what reference work is not.
    Ex. The author urges librarians and library backers to be more assertive in their requests for funding.
    Ex. This article reviews the work of Professor Kaula, the staunch crusader of librarianship in India.
    Ex. As a freedom fighter at the end of World War 2 he resisted Dutch efforts to regain control of their former colony.
    Ex. The mission of college libraries in India is to shoulder the responsibilities of a torch bearer.
    Ex. He was a tireless campaigner for high professional standards.
    Ex. He was a rebel and an anti-establishment standard-bearer of intellectualism and internationalism.
    * abogado defensor = defence attorney [defense attorney, -USA].
    * defensor de la ecología = eco-warrior.
    * defensor de la paz = peace activist.
    * defensor de la prohibición del aborto = pro-lifer.
    * defensor de la vida humana = pro-lifer.
    * defensor de los derechos de los animales = animal rights activist.
    * defensor de los derechos de los animales = animal rights campaigner.
    * defensor de los derechos de los ciudadanos = citizen activist.
    * defensor de los derechos humanos = human rights activist, human rights campaigner.
    * defensor de los intereses del ciudadano = watchdog.
    * defensor del pueblo = ombudsman [ombudsmen, -pl.].
    * defensor ecológico = eco-warrior.
    * defensor e impulsor = booster.
    * defensor incodicional = stalwart.
    * grupo defensor = interest group.
    * * *
    - sora adjetivo
    a) < ejército> defending (before n)
    b) (Der) < abogado> defense* (before n)
    - sora masculino, femenino
    a) (Mil) defender
    b) ( de una causa) champion
    c) (Der) defense counsel (AmE), defence lawyer (BrE)
    * * *
    = advocate, defendant, proponent, respondent, champion, defender, supporter, apologist, backer, crusader, freedom fighter, torchbearer [torch bearer], campaigner, standard-bearer.

    Ex: Sanford Berman has been an early, continuing, and outspoken advocate of user-oriented cataloging service.

    Ex: A respondent is a candidate for a degree who, in an academic disputation, defends or opposes a thesis proposed by the praeses (q.v.); also called the defendant.
    Ex: The proponents do provide for an author added entry to show what the library has by an author.
    Ex: A respondent is a candidate for a degree who, in an academic disputation, defends or opposes a thesis proposed by the praeses (q.v.); also called the defendant.
    Ex: NACs see their role as champions of the inarticulate by either taking up their case or providing groups with the information weaponry to campaign for their rights.
    Ex: It is very difficult to think of discreditable activities associated with books apart from the writing and selling of pornography and even that has its defenders.
    Ex: Then, a series of unfortunate circumstances (the outbreak of the war, family problems) deprived the project of its promoter and most passionate supporter.
    Ex: At the present time the misunderstandings that still persist, even among those who should know better, oblige any apologist of reference work to go out of his way to make clear what reference work is not.
    Ex: The author urges librarians and library backers to be more assertive in their requests for funding.
    Ex: This article reviews the work of Professor Kaula, the staunch crusader of librarianship in India.
    Ex: As a freedom fighter at the end of World War 2 he resisted Dutch efforts to regain control of their former colony.
    Ex: The mission of college libraries in India is to shoulder the responsibilities of a torch bearer.
    Ex: He was a tireless campaigner for high professional standards.
    Ex: He was a rebel and an anti-establishment standard-bearer of intellectualism and internationalism.
    * abogado defensor = defence attorney [defense attorney, -USA].
    * defensor de la ecología = eco-warrior.
    * defensor de la paz = peace activist.
    * defensor de la prohibición del aborto = pro-lifer.
    * defensor de la vida humana = pro-lifer.
    * defensor de los derechos de los animales = animal rights activist.
    * defensor de los derechos de los animales = animal rights campaigner.
    * defensor de los derechos de los ciudadanos = citizen activist.
    * defensor de los derechos humanos = human rights activist, human rights campaigner.
    * defensor de los intereses del ciudadano = watchdog.
    * defensor del pueblo = ombudsman [ombudsmen, -pl.].
    * defensor ecológico = eco-warrior.
    * defensor e impulsor = booster.
    * defensor incodicional = stalwart.
    * grupo defensor = interest group.

    * * *
    1 ‹ejército› defending ( before n)
    2 ( Der) ‹abogado› defense* ( before n)
    (partidario): los delegados defensores del cambio the delegates in favor of o who advocate change
    masculine, feminine
    1 ( Mil) defender
    2 (de una causa) champion
    un defensor de nuestros recursos naturales a defender o champion of our natural resources
    un defensor de la fe a defender of the faith
    3 ( Der) defense counsel ( AmE), defence lawyer ( BrE)
    (CR) ombudsman
    ombudsman Defensor del pueblo (↑ defensor a1)
    * * *

    ◊ - sora adjetivo

    b) (Der) ‹ abogado› defense( conjugate defense) ( before n)

    ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino
    a) (Mil) defender

    c) (Der) defense counsel (AmE), defence lawyer (BrE)

    defensor,-ora sustantivo masculino y femenino defender
    abogado defensor, counsel for the defence
    el defensor del pueblo, the ombudsman
    ' defensor' also found in these entries:
    - abanderado
    - abogada
    - abogado
    - defensora
    - entusiasta
    - incondicional
    - paladín
    - acérrimo
    - ardiente
    - ferviente
    - guardián
    - protector
    - campaigner
    - champion
    - consumer advocate
    - defender
    - ombudsman
    - proponent
    - protector
    - counsel
    - exponent
    - guardian
    * * *
    defensor, -ora
    1. [en tribunal]
    abogado defensor counsel for the defence
    2. [partidario]
    siempre fue defensor de una legislación más dura he always advocated tougher legislation;
    asociaciones defensoras de los consumidores consumer o consumers' associations
    1. [de ideal, persona] defender;
    [adalid] champion;
    un gran defensor de la paz a great campaigner for peace
    defensor del lector [en periódico] = person who represents the readership of a newspaper and deals with their complaints against the newspaper;
    defensor de oficio court-appointed defence lawyer;
    Esp defensor del pueblo ombudsman;
    defensor del soldado = public body created to defend the rights of soldiers, especially young soldiers doing military service
    2. [abogado] counsel for the defence
    * * *
    1 defender, champion;
    defensor de la naturaleza environmentalist
    2 JUR defense lawyer, Br
    defending counsel
    * * *
    defensor, - sora adj
    : defending, defense
    1) : defender, advocate
    2) : defense counsel

    Spanish-English dictionary > defensor

  • 11 ÖR

    * * *
    prep. with dat.
    1) out of, from; tekinn ór jörðu, taken out of the earth; vakna ór svefni, to wake out of sleep; Ísland bygðist ór Noregi, from Norway; ór Mön, from the Isle of Man; er þá bar ór hafi, from the sea; spyrja ór kaupstefnu, to ask news from the market; hús ór húsi, from house to house; ráðast ór hernaði, to leave off freebooting;
    2) denoting the substance of which a thing is made, of, out of; ór Ymis holdi var jörð um sköpuð, out of Y.’s flesh the earth was made, hjölt ór gulli, a golden hilt;
    3) out of, from among (þessir féllu ór liði Haralds);
    4) denoting cause; deyja ór sárum, sótt, to die of wounds, sickness;
    5) beyond; svá mikill snjór, at þat var ór dœnum, beyond exaniple, unexampled; ór hófi, beyond measure; þurru mjök vinsældir hans ór því sem vóru, his popularily dwindled from what it had been;
    6) ór því, after (nú skal segja, hvat gørðist ór því F. var í burtu farinn);
    7) absol., hann skar ór spjótit, he cut the spear clean through.
    * * *
    f., gen. örvar; dat. öru, Grág. ii. 19, and later ör; pl. örvar, örva, örum; also spelt with f, örfar, etc.: [A. S. aruwe; Engl. arrow; the word may be akin to örr, adj. = the swift]:—an arrow; örina, annarri ör, … ör liggr þar úti, ok er sú af þeirra örum, … örunum, … ör (acc.), Nj. 96, 115, Hkr. i. 241; örvar þrjár, … örvunum (sic), Fas. i. 511, 541, and passim.
    2. metaph. a summons to a meeting, by the sending out an arrow (like the Gaelic ‘fiery cross’), both in war and peace, but originally as a war-token (her-ör); skera örvar upp, Js. 37; skera ör, 41; nema ör eða maðr stefni honum þing, 42: also of a warrant (cp. Germ. steck-brief), summoning a person to appear; the law phrases are, leggja örvar á e-n, to lay an arrow upon, i. e. to summon by a warrant; fylgja örum, to follow the arrow, i. e. to answer a summons; sá skal örum fylgja er fyrstr var á lagðr, N. G. L. i. 60; örvar þrjár … ein ör at dauðum manni, önnur at sárum …, allir skulu þeir örvar bera en engi fella, … sá skal örum fylgja er á eru lagðar … nú ef örvar taka hann ok sækir eigi þing, þá berr hann á baki sök, 270.
    II. in poët. compds, ör-bragð, ör-drif, ör-veðr, = a shower of shafts; ör-sæti = a shield; ör-rjóðr, ör-slöngvir, = a warrior.
    B. COMPDS: örvarboð, örvadrífa, örvaflug, örvarhúnn, örvamalr, örvamælir, örvaroddr, örvarskapt, örvarskot, örvarskurðr, örvarþing.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > ÖR

См. также в других словарях:

  • The Cross of Changes — Álbum de Enigma Publicación 6 diciembre, 1993 21 noviembre, 1994 (re edición) Grabación A.R.T Studios, Ibiza Género(s) …   Wikipedia Español

  • The Cross of Changes — Album par Enigma Sortie 6 décembre 1993 Enregistrement 1993 St …   Wikipédia en Français

  • The Cross of Changes — The Cross of Changes …   Википедия

  • The Cross of Changes — Infobox Album | Name = The Cross of Changes Type = Album Artist = Enigma Released = December 6, 1993 November 21, 2004 (Reissue) Recorded = A.R.T. Studios, Ibiza Genre = New Age, ambient Length = 44:12 Label = Virgin, Charisma (US) Producer =… …   Wikipedia

  • The Byzantine Empire —     The Byzantine Empire     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Byzantine Empire     The ancient Roman Empire having been divided into two parts, an Eastern and a Western, the Eastern remained subject to successors of Constantine, whose capital was at …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Warrior (steamboat) — Warrior was a privately owned and constructed steamboat that was pressed into service by the U.S. government during the Black Hawk War to assist with military operations. Warrior was constructed and launched in 1832 at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania by …   Wikipedia

  • The Art of War — (zh cp|c=|p=Sūn Zǐ Bīng Fǎ) is a Chinese military treatise that was written during the 6th century BC by Sun Tzu. Composed of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare, it has long been praised as the definitive work on… …   Wikipedia

  • Cross of Liberty (Estonia) — Cross of Liberty Illustration of the three grades with each of the three classes Awarded by …   Wikipedia

  • Cross of Saint James — The Cross of St. James[1] is similar to a Cross flory fitchy and is formed by a cross flory, where the lower part is fashioned as a sword blade (rather like fitched or fitchee or fitchy)[2] making this a cross of a warrior. It was popularized… …   Wikipedia

  • The Ballad of the White Horse — is a poem by G K Chesterton about the idealized exploits of the Saxon King Alfred the Great, published in 1911 AD. Written in ballad form, the work is usually considered an epic poem. The poem narrates how Alfred was able to defeat the invading… …   Wikipedia

  • Cross of the Dutchman — Developer(s) Triangle Studios Publisher(s) Triangle Studios Designer(s) Remco de Rooij (project lead) Stefan Kuizenga (lead designer) …   Wikipedia

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